Our Levels

Age Range: The Choir is made up of a diverse age group. New choristers can be admitted into SACC from as early as 7 years old, until the age of 18. However, members can choose to remain in the choir until 20 years old. 

Because of the large age range, The South Australian Children's Choir (SACC) offers two different choir levels: the junior division, "Rosellas," and the senior division, "BLISS.

Junior Division: Rosellas (ages 7-10)

Our Rosellas program is perfect for young voices who are just starting to bloom! Rosellas students have set repertoire as a group, and also join with the BLISS division for combined pieces throughout the year. 

Rosellas is designed for children aged 7-10 years who are interested in singing and want to develop their vocal skills. In this level, children will learn the basics of singing, including proper breathing techniques, vocal projection, and performance skills. They will also have the opportunity to sing a variety of songs from different genres, including folk music, pop songs, and rhythmic pieces. The SACC Rosellas Division provides a supportive and nurturing environment for children to learn and grow as singers, under the guidance of conductor and founder Natalie Robins. Through Rosellas, each child will develop their vocal abilities and build their confidence, as well as connect with other children who share their love of singing. Join us today and discover the joy of singing with SACC Rosellas

Senior Level: BLISS (ages 11-20)

BLISS, Our Main Choir hosts the full experience at SACC, with repertoire sung from multiple genres, artists and even languages. 

The BLISS level is designed for singers aged 11-20 years old who are looking to take their vocal skills to the next level. In this level, singers will have the opportunity to sing more challenging pieces, including classical works, contemporary choral music, and acappella arrangements. They will also have the opportunity to perform in a variety of venues, including concerts, and community events. The SACC BLISS level provides a challenging and rewarding environment for singers to develop their vocal abilities and performance skills. Under the guidance of conductor and founder Natalie Robins, each singer will be able to refine their technique and develop their own unique sound, learning to sing both in melody and harmony with the group. The BLISS level also offers singers the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals and build lasting friendships. 

Join us today and experience the joy of singing with SACC BLISS!